Hours: Mon - Fri: 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM | Sat - Sun: By Appt

U.S. Army Dental Corps

The Army Dental Corps, an essential segment of the United States Army Medical Department (AMEDD), is pivotal in safeguarding Army personnel’s oral health and operational efficacy. Staffed with adept dental professionals spanning various specializations, the Dental Corps is committed to providing exemplary dental care to soldiers, their families, and retirees. In this distinctive setting, these professionals leverage their skills to impact the Army’s overall health and readiness profoundly.

Dental Corps officers, who serve as commissioned officers, assume various roles ranging from general dentistry to advanced specialties such as orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and periodontics. Their responsibilities transcend routine dental practices, encompassing significant involvement in dental research, educational development, and leadership roles within the Army’s healthcare structure. This array of specializations ensures a holistic approach to oral healthcare, addressing preventive, restorative, and complex dental needs.

Service in the Army Dental Corps offers a unique blend of professional challenges and rewards. Dental Corps officers not only fulfill the role of healthcare providers but also embody the leadership and ethical values integral to Army service. Their work spans diverse environments, including state-of-the-art dental facilities and mobile units, providing a dynamic and fulfilling career path for those dedicated to service.

Furthermore, the Dental Corps offers substantial opportunities for professional growth and development. Officers have access to the latest advancements in dental technology and practices, ensuring their continued growth and adaptability in the field. Additionally, the leadership and character development inherent in military service further enhances their skills, shaping them into well-rounded healthcare leaders.

A career with the Army Dental Corps is more than a professional pathway; it represents a deep commitment to delivering exceptional dental care to those who serve the nation. This career choice uniquely merges dental expertise with the honor of military service, offering dental professionals a distinct opportunity to integrate their passion for dentistry with a dedication to national service.
